About Me

My photo
Daniel Valencia - Artist Satement: I don't just focus on one specific subject to photograph. I capture anything that catches my eye. I'm never without my camera, every day is an opportunity to shoot a new photograph. Constantly looking for something different. I began shooting photos in 2003. Being so young, I was mesmerized by being able to seize the moment that you see and have it there forever. Treasuring memories was the start for me, then it evolved into giving feelings and emotions to the spectator, which they might have never felt before or have trouble getting to that state of mind. The ability to produce a photo and give other people that heart warming feeling as if they were at that spot at that exact moment when I shot the photo fuels my drive in photography. It is that feeling of success in pleasing someone else other than yourself. I have done my part as an artist/photographer if my work does create something for you.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Pool is Closed

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